Trails & Attractions
Across our region you will find an abundance of trails, campgrounds, fishing spots, paddling, walking trails, and more. Our unique area in the heart of Kentucky utilizes our rolling landscapes, forests, Green River and Green River Lake, and historic elements to give our region life, while providing great recreational opportunities. See for yourself why Campbellsville and Taylor County are growing, and serve as an oasis for weekend get-a-ways for all ages.
Green River Lake State Park30+ miles of trail for biking, horseback riding, and hiking. All surrounding beautiful Green River Lake which also has camping, boating, and more.
Downtown CampbellsvilleThriving small businesses, unique in their own way, provide excellent services to our active community. Stop by downtown to start or end your day of adventure.
Trace Pitman GreenwayMostly shaded and following Trace Creek & Pitman Creek, this paved greenway is a great way for all ages to experience the outdoors on foot or bike.
Homeplace on Green River & Tebbs BendA Kentucky outdoor classroom, Homeplace on Green River offers education, recreation, and event opportunities just a few miles from downtown.
Clay Hill Memorial ForestOwned and managed by Campbellsville University, Clay Hill serves as a recreational and educational center just a few miles from downtown.
Green River Paddle TrailPaddle one of the most loved sections of water in the state. With multiple options, the Green River Paddle Trail is waiting for you and your friends to come float.